The Power of Budgeting in Agriculture

The Power of Budgeting in Agriculture

   INSIGHTS The Power of Budgeting in Agriculture by Klayton Tjoelker, CPA May 23, 2022 Agricultural operators can greatly benefit from budgeting, which can simplify decision-making and streamline operations. But what is a budget and exactly how does it add value? To...
The Power of Budgeting in Agriculture

The Importance of Farm Income Averaging and Schedule J

   INSIGHTS The Importance of Farm Income Averaging and Schedule J by Mike Kortus, CPA November 17, 2021 In farming, so many things fluctuate from year to year, sometimes even day to day. Yields and commodity prices can be affected by many things outside of a farmer’s...
The Power of Budgeting in Agriculture

Opening Our New Yakima Office

   INSIGHTS Opening Our New Yakima Office After 72 years of business, we’ve remained locally owned while growing three office locations and becoming the tenth largest CPA firm in the Puget Sound region. Now, we get the opportunity to increase our impact by serving...
The Power of Budgeting in Agriculture

Succession Planning in the Agriculture Industry

   INSIGHTS Succession Planning in the Agriculture Industry by Kyle Hanko, CPA January 26, 2021 “Business IS personal.” Is there an industry that this applies to more than agriculture? Your dairy, raspberry or blueberry growing/processing operation, tree fruit, potato...